
I am Ally Aloe, a practising esoteric. I specialise in giving people guidance on their life path and aim to provide clarity and a bridge to higher knowledge. Here you will find links to info about me and services. Happy reading!EMAIL FOR QUERIES/BOOKINGS: [email protected]

About Me

Name: Ally
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 28
Location: New Zealand
Interests: Crystals, spirit guide work, Marvel movies, Twitch and gaming. I also have a physical disability and am passionate about education surrounding it.
What do I do?
I am claircognisant (knowing) and clairsentient (feeling). While I do not literally see spirit, it communicates with me through images and thoughts in my mind. I have been discovering more about this gift over the last few years and while I can use tools like tarot, I do prefer to straight up use my intuition. I have also experienced dream visitation and physical contact with spirit.
Why do I do it?
I am simply passionate to act as a bridge between spirit and the physical world. Most spirits mean no harm to anyone, and everyone is guided without knowing it by the spirit guides who choose to be in their life. While I have two main spirit guides, several different energies are known to be around me, each with a helpful purpose. I also work with angels, who I consider to be non denominational. They are simply helpers of Source (what others call God/Yahweh/Allah etc.) Spirits and angels work for the good of everyone and try their best to make their presence known to those seeking it. While they cannot necessarily prevent negative circumstances, they are ever constant, omniscient and wish the best for human life. It has been a honour to tap into this world, and my aim is to bring guidance, comfort and clarity to those who need it. It brings me purpose and I know this is what I am called to do.

GuidelinesI work with spirit on an ethical basis. This means:I do not answer questions about domestic violence or sexual assault out of respect for victims. HOWEVER, these topics can come through in a reading and I aim to handle them with the utmost care and respect.For legal purposes, readings are for entertainment purposes only. I am not equipped or legally allowed to give financial advice or make claims of wealth or career that could be considered fraudulent by others. I cannot promise monetary amounts, for example. I can guide you in your current career and what is possible, but any financial decisions are yours alone.I also am not allowed to give solid outcomes on health or pregnancy. I can advise things to look out for, but once again, this is only if spirit deems it necessary to relay.I aim to create a safe and comfortable space. This means no abuse, bigotry or intolerance of any kind. Follow up questions post-reading are welcomed, HOWEVER once spirit decides they cannot say more, I then cannot force them. Spirit works with me, I do not coerce it.I also do not tend to work with people who EXPECT an outcome. Spirit will give you what you need, not what you want, and this is extremely important to remember, especially regarding specific people, places and circumstances. Please come into your reading with an open mind and I will do my best to help.I only see current, past or future energy based on the present decisions. However, you are in charge of your own life. I am just a messenger to help you on that journey.How to book with me:Please contact me via DM, email or Messenger. This is so I have you on file and can log you in for record-keeping purposes.Turnaround or delivery is 1-2 days max from the date of booking. Proof of payment is also required. Please be patient. I will always do my best to work in a timely and efficient manner. Any changes or delays will always be communicated and schedule changes (vacations, illness, unforeseen circumstances) will be put on my social medias.

FAQHow old are you?27.Where do you live?
New Zealand.
How long have you done this?
Since 2020, at the start of the pandemic. I went to a personal reading which helped unlock these abilities. I loved doing readings so much I decided to do it professionally, starting in 2023.
Where does it come from?
I actually gained these abilities from genetics. Sometimes, like any trait, spiritual abilities can be passed down through family. However, for privacy, I won't go into specifics. They have chosen not to use them and I respect that.
How does it work?
I am a firm believer that everyone can get in touch with their intuition through willingness, practice and an open mind. Everyone will experience these gifts differently. Some hear, others see things. For me, it is more of a thought or mental image at the back of my mind that I have learned to decipher from my own everyday thoughts. I've learned to recognise my guides, even though they come through as energies, via this process. I usually have an 80% accuracy rate and do my best to convey messages as precisely as I can. Spirit usually has a LOT to say so I write as much down as possible.
Who are your guides?
I have several, but my two main energies are those I refer to as "Theo" and "Rebecca." I also am guided by different family members in spirit and Celtic and Buddhist spirits. Deities have also liked saying hello from time to time.
What are spirits like? Should I be afraid?
In my own personal opinion, while it is important to be wary of negative energies, most spirits cannot cause physical harm to humans and just want to communicate. Banging on walls, items falling or feeling presences around you are all part of the process of spirit communication. Most times, asking a spirit politely to leave you alone is adhered to. However, if you feel an entity has attached itself to you, it is extremely important to contact the relevant spiritual practitioners who specialise in such removal. The most important thing to know about spirit though is that they just want help saying what they need to say. It's a natural frustration and I have definitely encountered impatient spirits who love to barge in while I'm talking to someone. It's funny, but it's important to stay firm and ask them to wait.
What is the difference between a spirit and a higher self?
A spirit is a residual energy of someone who no longer exists physically. The higher self is the energy inside of a living person that possesses more clarity or knowledge. This can be tapped into through meditation and, with permission, this is what guides usually bring me when I'm channelling info on a living person.
Can I talk to spirits or angels without a reader?
Yes, they are always ready to listen, just make sure you use specifics so as to not contact the wrong energies. If something feels wrong when you think you're talking to spirits of your loved ones, that is usually a good sign NOT to continue. Make sure to ask for protection in your head or out loud as well. You have the right to feel safe at all times.
Besides readings, what do you recommend for those starting out on a spiritual journey?
Any crystals that you feel drawn to to aid you in certain areas of life. I highly recommend rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, tiger's eye and selenite. I highly suggest doing deep research on all of these and their properties before purchase. You can also familiarise yourself with tarot cards and their meanings. Talk to readers who are open to questions, and look into astrology basics. Most importantly, connecting with guides is a great place to start, just do it safely.
Anything you do not recommend?
Ouija boards and spirit boxes, unless you are fully confident in your abilities. These should not be used as a beginner. They are not jokes or toys, they are gateways, and you don't know who you are inviting in when you use them, so please exercise caution and care. Make sure to always ask permission before tapping into anyone's energy, as well. I would also advise against provoking spirits or visiting haunted locations for a joke, just for your own safety. Never tamper with anything you don't have knowledge of, and learn as much as you can.